Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back to Arusha

A Masi Village on the way back to Arusha

Well we are back in Arusha, it is a very busy city, there are so many people on the streets it is overwhelming. I will never compain about drivers in Calgary again. Sometimes the vehicles are 4 wide when there is only 2 lanes. They just honk and cut in, the vehicle coming toward you just move over.

We have driven over 3000 km over the last 13 days, most days were at least 10 hours in the jeep. Some days were very long and boring because you did not see many animals, then you would come around a corner and there was a pride of lions or a large herd of elephants and it makes the day worth while.

We were very lucky, our guide was awesome. He had a great sense of humor and we shared alot of laughs.

Tonight we leave for Amsterdam, then on to Paris, not looking forward to the trip as it will take 14 hours to get there.

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