Saturday, November 20, 2010

Heading to Tarangire National Park

Today we are heading to the Country of Tarangire, This is where we will be spending the last two days of our Safari before heading back to Arusha. Bruce and I cannot believe how fast the past two weeks have gone. We have had the most amazing time.

This beautiful tree is called a Fire Tree, They bloom late November until Christmas. Gardi said everyone knows when the Fire Tree starts to bloom you must start thinking about getting prepared for Chirstmas.

A Masi village on the way to Tarangire, These Masi are a different tribe than the village we visited near the crater. They wear the same robes etc. but their Boma's are built different and are a little larger. The closer we get to Tarangire the dryer the conditions are, It is very sad to see the animals looking for something to eat. Although today it is raining on and off, we were told the rainy season should hit in a couple of weeks, so things should start to green up.
Another one of Tanzania's very colorful birds, he is feasting on a termite mound
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