Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ngorongoro Crater

We did not see alot of animals in the crater, They actually do not have it set up really well for game viewing. They have a road that goes around the whole crater with only a couple side roads to cut across. Alot of the animals are off in a distance and you cannot get close enough to take pictures. It was actually kind of disappointing, we drove most of the day and only saw a handful of animals.

We took a short tour through the trees on our way to the picnic site to have our lunch when we came around the corner there were two cheetah eating a kill. It was kind of gross just before lunch.
Once again you had to stay on guard for the monkeys, they were on the lookout for anyone not paying attention to their lunch. This little guy took a young guys sandwich when he was watching out fore the hawks that were swooping down. When the monkey took the sandwich the guy screamed like a litttle school girl. I thought Bruce was going to pee his pants he laughed so hard. Of course it was not that funny when it happened to him.

In the middle of the dry crater you come across a beautiful green area, there were a ton of Water Buffalo there
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