Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Thief

We stopped for lunch at a gery busy picnic spot. Gardo warned us to close all the windows in the jeep because of the monkeys. He left to go get somthing, so Bruce and I found a table and was just about to start our lunch. All of a sudden I noticed a few monkeys coming for the trees, Just as I was about to tell Bruce to watch his lunch this little guy reached in as fast as lightening and grabbed Bruce's sandwich, salad and Ketchup, as fast as he came he was gone to eat his take. Here he is finishing off the ketchup, he opened the package and cleaned up every morsal there was. Once he cleaned the whole this up, he threw the empty package to the ground

The rest of the time we were they he kept peeking around the tree as if we could not see him
A few days later, we were having breakfast at the crater . After we had finished, Bruce and I decided to get into the Jeep to wait for Gardi, I was facing Bruce in the jeep when he watch out for the monkey, when I turned around there was a monkey sitting in the drivers seat. He was looking at Bruce and I and reaching for our munch boxes, the only thing he managed to get away with was a few banana peelings we had in the garbage. I was screaming and trying to shoo it out and Bruce was screaming at me to get out of the way so he could get it out. Let me yell you we must have looked rediculous. After he got away with our banana peeling he stole another couples breakfast.
Here he is looking in our Jeep window to see what else he could get, They checked the whole vehicle put trying to find a place to get in. They will not give up
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1 comment:

  1. they are cute little buggers LOL
    I was laughing so hard reading this post haha I can just see mom shooing the monkey away haha What a story to laugh about hahaha
