Thursday, November 18, 2010

Looking for shade

While we were driving around the crater we could see a few vehicles parked so we headed towards them. When we arrived we saw this guy wondering past all the vehicles. Gardi turned off the jeep so we could watch him for awhile, He just kept coming closer and closer to us. It was unbelievable.

When he got beside our jeep he decided he had gone far enough and proceeded to lay down for a nap. We could have opened the window and touched him he was so close.

Still not enough shade so he tucked his head under the jeep and closed his eyes.
After about 20 minutes we decided it was time to move on, so when Gardi started the jeep he reluctantly got up and tried to find another shady spot to sleep, he found this little clump of long grass and with his feet pressed it down and settled in to contiue his sleep.

It was an amazing sight to be so close to an animal like this in his own environment.
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1 comment:

  1. wow is he ever a handsome boy. You can bring him home too.
