Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 2

We found the giraffe to be very curious creatures, normally they eat the tops of the acai trees or bushes so they do not have to kneel as it is very difficult for them and they are very vulnerable to an attack when they are bent over, but this one found some nice grass that caught her fancy.

We found when we came across a few of them together one would usdually stand and stare at us until we were driving away, It was like they were trying to figure us out

We drove through everything, rivers, ruts, mud holes, you name it, some days it was very rough, dirty and dusty. But every minute was woth it. you never knew what you were going to see around the next corner. We were very near the Kenya border here, it was the farthest north we were allowed to go.

This family of elephants were moving past us very unconcerned, I cannot say that for all elephants, sometimes the older ones did not like you too close.
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