Saturday, November 20, 2010

November 17th , Paris

Well we arrived in Paris November 17th, it was a very long trip and we were both very tired when we landed.

Paris is a beautiful city, the architecture is very old and very beautiful. The detailing to the buildings is amazing.

We are staying at the Eiffel Seine Hotel, it is a quaint little place, only 70 rooms on 6 floors. We had to laugh, the elevator is so small Bruce and I have to face each other to fit in. The two us barely fit in with all our luggage.

We found out that Paris is very expensive. We went for dinner the first night, ordered a pizza and two coke. The pizza was $12 and the 2 cokes were $13. It is cheaper to order a beer than it is to order a pop.

This is our view out our window, we can see into peoples apartments.
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