Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Something new everyday

Another day of game driving. Sometimes you drive for hours and do not see a thing, then all of a sudden you come around a corner and there is a herd of giraffes, water buffalo, lions etc. then it makes it all worth while.

But it was nice to just sit and see what a I said before at times it was breath taking.

This giraffe was so curious, she watched us as long as we were there, They have the most beautiful eyes.

The birds catching a ride on the water buffalo

Again one of the beautiful lush green areas for the animals to go for water

And then to end our evening off our wonderful children ordered up surprise for us. We were served a Romantic Candlelite dinner in the Presidential Suite. It was supposed to be outside under the stars but it was raining. It was still awesome and such a great surprise. Thank you to you all for that. We loved it!!
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  1. I want those dishes hahaha please bring them home for me along with some baby animals.
    I hope you enjoyed your surprise. I'm sad that you were not able to have your dinner under the stars!
    Love you

  2. That giraffe picture is awesome!!!!
    So happy you loved your surprise dinner. We all wanted to add a special touch to your most amazing adventure.
    Love you tons!!!!
