Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 1 continues

After the first animals we saw it just never ended, Every turn we made there was something different. As we rounded the next corner after viewing the wilderbeast there were three giraffes, this one decided to stand in the middle of the road and stare at us, before continuing on her way, it was not 5 minutes later when the rest of her family decided to join her. They are such and awkward looking animal, but at the same time they are so graceful.
There are monkeys and baboons everywhere. many different kinds. They are so funny to watch because they study you as much as you study them.

A short time later we came upon some water buffalo, they are as mean as they are ugly. There are some taking up residence right near our camp. We are not allowed to leave our tent alone after dark, we must cdall for an escort because of the animals.
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1 comment:

  1. awesome pictures great comments feel like we were there.... (sorry I can't change the mom and Gary)from Kevins blog...Love G&C
